About Absolute Poverty Survey

Absolute Poverty Survey

Poverty does not just mean one's financial status. Poverty is the inability to meet the necessities of life due to inadequate services, social resources and racial, religious and gender discrimination. Therefore the process of identifying the extremely poor across the state through local bodies has been started, and through this endeavour we aim to track such deficiencies which go unnoticed otherwise. By participating in this, you can give a new light of hope to the most helpless human beings.

How you can be part of the survey ?

      If you've already registered as sannadhasena volunteer, login to your profile and apply for absolute poverty survey.
      If you are not a sannadhasena volunteer, Register as a sannadhasena volunteer and apply for absolute poverty survey in the registration form.

Condition for being part of the survey.

      Volunteer should possess minimum Plust Two as educational qualification.
      Volunteer should own a smart phone.
      Age of volunteer should be in between 18 and 40.
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